Friday, October 23, 2015

Social media a potent tool for divorce lawyers, tracking down deadbeat parents, others
Sarina Fazan

9:58 PM, Oct 22, 2015

TAMPA - "A picture is worth a thousand words, right?," said Daren Pippio.

In her case, a picture also meant thousands of dollars. "One of the checks was over $19,000," Pippio said.

It was reimbursement from an ex-husband, and she gives the credit to another photo.

Pippio has been divorced for years. But recently, her ex-husband dragged her into court, wanting to reduce child support payments. He claimed he couldn't afford them.

But Pippio's s attorney, Michael Lundy, said he spotted something interesting on that ex-husband's Facebook page.

"He published a picture of himself with a a brand-new Jeep that he was celebrating the purchase of," said Lundy.

Lundy and his team at Lundy, Older and Alvarez were then able to prove that times weren’t quite as tough for the ex as he was claiming.

"In this world, where people find the need to post every single second of their lives, it has become a common practice for lawyers like myself to look at social media," said Lundy.

The case also involved the ex asking for more time with the couple's two kids. The lawyers said another photo prompted them to look closer at what he was doing with the kids when he was supposed to have them.

"He posted pictures of himself at parties, holding a beer and just blatantly violating the court order," said Lundy.

Lundy said his team found that the picture was taken at a South Beach bar during a visitation weekend.

This, despite the fact that a judge had ordered the ex to stay away from alcohol.

The court ruled in Pippio's favor, weighing all the evidence -- including the social media pictures. We reached out to Daren's ex. He chose not answer our questions.

But this case is just one of many similar cases impacted by social media.

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